以喜悅之心服務 To Serve with Joy





  • 以創意表達引導中的喜悅
  • 探索「以喜悅之心服務」如何成為引導的有力策略
  • 探索各種的想法火花,讓我們的專業發展維持在不停息的喜悅中

An interactive session to reflect and discover opportunities to self-motivate and enjoy our facilitation and client interactions. What influences you to turnaround a challenging situation to a desirable outcome of a satisfied client? Are the challenging situations just isolated examples that have no meaning beyond their unique circumstances, or might there be some common elements, which if identified could provide important insights to you and the team? Joy to serve can be an energy source and it is sustainable. As joy increases, we take creative initiatives about our engagements, learn about the tasks, the team, and ourselves, thus resulting in high levels of performance.

  • Get into the creative expression of joy at facilitation
  • Discover how ‘To Serve With Joy’ can be a powerful strategy for facilitation
  • Explore the different sparks of a flurry of thoughts and ideas about our professional growth in the continuum of joy  



  1. 非會員 300元(IAF會員免費,會員會另外收到邀請碼,請從邀請碼連結報名),本活動一經報名無法退費或取消,也無法延期使用,請慎重考慮。
  2. 報名人數限制:30人。
  3. 活動日期:2021年5月15日 10:00-12:00(準時開始,建議提早五分鐘報到)



  1. 本次活動採Zoom線上方式進行,請提早下載Zoom,下載網址:https://zoomnow.net/zntw_zoom_download.php?showType=ALL
  2. 建議以桌上型電腦或筆電上網參與本次活動。活動前一天會將Zoom連結到發到報名者郵箱(請檢查是否郵件在垃圾桶),若未收到請來信IAF Taiwan: taiwan.iaf@gmail.com或者在臉書留言。
  3. 活動包含互動環節,例如:分組討論,建議全程打開鏡頭。
  4. 穩定且高速之網路連線,耳機麥克風可幫助清晰溝通。


蕭美玲博士對於如何以愛和喜悅來服務充滿熱情,也希望能讓他人有相同的體驗。她創辦了Continuum Learning Pte Ltd作為實踐。身為引導式講師,美玲以她的溫暖和真誠來設計以及帶領工作坊,聚焦在如何以愛和喜悅作為服務。她善於打造快樂的學習以及安全的場域,讓參與者置身集中,獲得成長。


S.A.L.T. – Serve And Learn Together是其中之一。她是兩本書的作者:(1) To Serve With Love and (2) S.E.R.V.E.TM - Empower Yourself, Empower Others and Make a Difference, and has written numerous articles for a variety of periodicals.

想了解更多,請點選:                                                                                                           https://www.linkedin.com/in/seowbeeleng/


Dr SEOW Bee Leng is passionate to serve with love and joy; and empowering others to do the same. She runs her practice under Continuum Learning Pte Ltd.  With warmth and authenticity, Dr Seow, a facili-trainer, designs and facilitates workshops with the focus to serve with love and joy. She creates joyful learning and safe space where learners thrive and grow. 

Dr Seow, a life-long learner, develops professionals’ potential in the areas of service competencies - self-efficacy, empathy, customer engagements and micro-skills (behaviors). As part of her continued social contributions, she starts S.A.L.T. – Serve And Learn Together. She is the author of (1) To Serve With Love and (2) S.E.R.V.E.TM - Empower Yourself, Empower Others and Make a Difference, and has written numerous articles for a variety of periodicals.


票種 販售時間 售價
非會員 (5/15線上活動)

2021/05/04 09:00(+0800) ~ 2021/05/14 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$300
IAF會員 (5/15線上活動)

2021/05/04 09:00(+0800) ~ 2021/05/14 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費